Category Archives: Uncategorized


Turban kind of day.

Turban kind of day.

After watching a trailer for a supposedly “must-see” movie, I don’t even think I smirked. My sister was shocked saying that I am such a “weirdo” because everyone thinks this comedienne is hilarious. I told her “I am a weirdo”, and always have been! I rarely like what everyone else thinks is great or “trendy” (Hello! harem pants! NO!) and frankly I like it that way.

I thought it would be fun to write a list of some of what makes me strange!

1. I hate and always hated the fourth finger nail polish embellishment.

2. I’m obsessed with fringe society groups like polygamists, Amish, Gypsies…

3. I don’t like onesies on anyone at any age and I don’t like leggings as “pants”

4. I must sleep on a fitted sheet that is clean and pulled taut, I also cannot sleep with socks on or an open closet door., actually all cabinets must be closed after use, always!!!

5. This is all stems from my hyper-visual brain, I need things to “look right”! i.e, crooked pictures have to be straightened.

6. My car and purse are always ready for anything, I mean anything.

7. I hate vitamins and don’t take any.

8. I study the faces of everyone. In my mind, I am unconsciously accessing for the “Golden triangle”; always.

10. I read everything! I mean everything, always! One time at a novelty store I read a super long writing written on the wall that was many topics long and the font got smaller and smaller-the last sentence said “if you actually read this in its entirety, claim your prize at the counter”. Of course I hailed a clerk to find my “golden ticket”. He told me I could choose any candy and let me know I was only the second person EVER to actually read that nonsense!

That’s Me!

I want to hear about your weirdo-isms, hit me up in the comments!



More than “Thank you for your service.”


While it’s completely wonderful to say “Thank you for your service” to a service person, even better is “Thank you AND your family for your service”. Many don’t realize that military marriages have a 80% failure rate! That’s  because this lifestyle can be straining on families. Behind nearly every service person is a spouse or child(ren) at home and that soldier will tell you “I coudln’t have done it alone”.

To all the men and woman who have died in the name of the United States of America, we salute you. To those serving, “Thank you and your family that serve alongside and pray you home.”





“Everyday I’m Hustilin’, Hustlin’!”


Today is the 18th anniversary of my dad’s passing. For many years of the last nearly two decades, I thought of him rarely. The day he died (suddenly of a heart attack at age 37) I became enraged and was thrashing my room. I desperately played Bible Roulette demanding an answer from God. I immediately landed on John 11:26 , it reads: “Whoever lives and believes in me will never die. Do you believe this?” The Holy Spirit spoke to me, asking me if in fact I really did believe this. I suddenly had a peace that transcends all understanding and I coped well with his loss knowing that we would one day be reunited.

Lately, I find myself thinking about my dad more than ever. I believe it is because I have matured spiritually. I look back and I see my dad’s influence in major and seemingly minor moments since 1997. One for example, is the day Tia was born and I was wheeled up to the NICU to see her. What I saw was my dad’s face in her face. She doesn’t look much like him at all (we joke she is Sri Lankan), but in that instance it was like he was staring at me! Later that night in 2005, which was also Easter Sunday, my dad’s identical twin came to visit me in the hospital. That was unexpected as we rarely see one another. He poked his head through the door to say “hello”, for a few seconds I thought my dad was there to visit me the day I became a parent.

I often find myself laughing when “I’m wheeling and dealing.” You see my dad was a “hustler” in the best way. If he wanted something, anything; he could negotiate it- or at least try to. As a kid, I would feel embarrassed listening to him ask for free stuff when we were at stores, really anywhere (like an unfinished clog made during a demo session in Holland). I inherited the “hustle” and I’m proud. I am constantly negotiating better deals wherever I go.

When we took the pictures I posted last week we were at our local beach. We normally walk, but because of our fancy garb we drove. I refused to pay $8 to park for a 15 minute photo shoot. My husband was like “come on Corrita, just give me your card”. I was like “no, uh huh”! My mind stirred for a solution- “Bingo”!  I hailed a car that was leaving the lot and nicely asked for their parking slip. As I returned with my free parking, I told  K.K. (our photog) “your sister is a hustler”! She said, “just like, dad”! True.

Every time I score a deal I think of him. I’m reminded how even though he has been gone so long, he is right with me on the daily. I feel like I make him proud. He once told me (his name was Verney) that “whatever you sign your name to should be your best work”. That has stayed with me. I’m a better human because of my father. My dad was no angel, but in life you can glean from others the aspects that are superior. I know that I am destined for greatness and “everyday “I’m hustlin, hustling, hustlin’!”

Happy Valentine’s Day


It has been more than a hot minute since I‘ve been around these parts!

Starting last February, Patrick left for boot camp. He returned nearly 10 weeks later. During his absence the Lord blessed us with new digs in a different city near LAX. 2014 was the year of double favor- and boy did we get poured on. We absolutely love our two-story abode, we have only one neighbor (like a duplex) and are positioned walking distance to Main Street, the ocean and school.  Our community is so “Norman Rockwell”-totally feeds that romantic part of me that wants to live in a place “where everyone knows your name and everybody’s glad you came”. The schools here are top-rated and we moved the kids to them.

This photo is a hybrid of the most influential parts of the last year-moving near the beach and having Patrick gone 7 months for military training. Patrick was off all summer between training; we had the best summer our lives! Everyday we did whatever our hearts’ desire was. We hopped on a shuttle that takes us to the beach just down the street! Love that I can leave the sand with them! We also walked to the museum, farmer’s market, and pool. Patrick busied himself with DIY home projects. At dusk I have a front row seat of the sunset with a glass of white wine!

At the end of summer, I became part of a launch team for a new church in the South Bay. This venture was such a timely blessing because it gave me and the kids a focus while Patrick was away. He left for computer tech school in Mississippi in August and we launched in September. Again, with my idealist nature, I have always thought it would be so neat to be part of a church from the start and say “I have been here since the beginning”. The church is thriving and we just moved into a permanent building! I love our pastors and have become dear friends with the Pastor’s wife.

Patrick studied his tuchus off for five months! I endured with the grace of God and great support from friends, family and church. I did go see him down South in November and we rendezvoused in New Orleans. We counted down the days until Daddy returned, he drove home, yes; he drove his 15-year-old Solara to and from Mississippi just in time for Christmas. Holla for Toyotas! God is good all the time.

These past 12 months as a bonafide military wife have been such a parallel in our walk with Christ. Just Trust.  When you have no idea where your life is headed and situations are in constant flux, there is no better option than to recline in the Divine. Right?! What’s the other option? Stress and fret. Uh huh; waste of time and worry ages you! V-day is here and we are gonna do it up. I am a huge celebrator and not at all phased by cynics. A day where everyone (most everyone) is putting positive love energy out there, why not?!  I say love it up!



Well hello! My husband recently returned from basic training for the Air force in Texas. It was a challenge having him away! We have never spent more than twelve days apart since we have been married. You know how people say they have a “broken heart”? I can relate; my heart literally ached half-way through the 2 months he was gone.I decided I wanted to give up “sweets” while he was training in solidarity. I’m so glad I did! I would have gained weight while he was there comforting myself!My word! You should see him! Everyone keeps commenting about how much weight he has lost! He is all muscle now!

While in Texas for his graduation; we were in a drive-thru when Patrick paused, I heard him say “Thank you ma’am, thank you sir, you will not be forgotten”. At nine o’clock every night “Taps” is played over the loudspeaker for our fallen heroes on base, each service person says a word of gratitude before bed. I love that every night these courageous souls are honored all over the globe!  I often lift up my own word of thanks and feel a tinge each time. So grateful for my husband and others like him that love this country in such a real way!

This month I was honoring someone else so special. This May marked the 10th anniversary of a deep and painful loss for me. May 2, 2004 was one of the most joyous days of our lives. Patrick and I were expecting our first child  and were so thrilled. At 21, I felt invincible and elated. We received flowers and congratulatory notes, we couldn’t contain our excitement and announced our pregnancy to friends and family that Mother’s Day! It never occurred to me that I would never hold this baby in this life. We were numb and devastated when it became certain our little one had traveled on the following month.


Congratulatory Note

                       Congratulatory Note

Two months later I became pregnant with our Rainbow baby Tatianna. After her very easy pregnancy yet complicated birth; the Lord spoke to me about my first baby. I had prayed to learn the gender so that I could name this little soul. Names are valuable to God and this life deserved that. I always said I wanted a boy first to be the “Sheperd” of our “flock” of children. I recently added Sheperd’s name plaque to our wall-joining each of ours. It took me years to choose a name that was befitting. This is. He is my angel keeping watch. For years Tia has sweetly talked about Sheperd and refers to him as her “big brother”. It’s as if they’ve already met.  So grateful for his life that allowed my daughter’s to shine through.



My First Book!

dr seuss

Fifteen months ago on the eve of my 30th birthday, I woke up thrilled, I had a vision about a children’s book to write. It’s called “Odie the Newfie”- featuring real life historical events in rhyme that include my favorite dog the Newfoundland. Today I read my manuscript for Dr Seuss’ birthday. Parents come in to the class and read throughout the day. The children were enthralled with my book! It was so fun inspiring children to get excited about books! I know my kids love having mom there, I used to LOVE having my mom in the class- I think it makes them feel so special! I pray one day this book is in hardback and I will be putting signed copies in little hands!

Well, Hello There….

It’s been way too long since I last blogged, thought I’d reacquaint ya’ll with some things you may not know about me…

Halloween 09

(Patrick and I, dressed as Jon and Kate Gosselin 10/31/09)

1. I have had stitches twice, once on my face and once on my toe.

2. I’m über clumsy.

3. I am an Army brat and now an Airforce wife.

4. My husband wanted to join the AF 17 years ago, I told him I never want to be a military spouse.

5. I have a keen ear for language, if you give me a name I can tell you it’s derivative.

6. I have been to the Palace of Versailles, The Vatican, and most other bucket list places.

7. Growing up my family was “trapped” in Greece because of threats and couldn’t travel home to Germany.

8. I gave myself the Heimlich on a counter while choking, I was eating and dancing when it happened.

9. I went on a Medical Mission trip to The Gambia, West Africa at 17, one year later I became a vocational nurse.

10. My favorite food is ice cream. I invented a way to make Lavender ice cream that doesn’t taste weird.

11. I have had over 25 pets in my life, including, a snake, a tarantula, 3 rats and two  turtles, I’m now allergic to cats and dogs.

12. One turtle, Rodney ran away never to be found when I cleaned it’s aquarium outdoor. Very sad.

13. The L.A. Riots happened in my neighborhood.

14. My dad found Rodney while cleaning up a riot-ravaged pet store- the owner let us keep it.

15. I wrote a not-yet-published children’s book on Rodney and the Riots.

16. I have been a bookworm all my life and read every book in the Childcraft Encyclopedia series by age 7.

17.I met my husband  Patrick while in the Main Office of high school, I was there because of cramps and wanted to go home.

18. He told me the Holy Spirit told him I would be his wife on our first date, I thought he was nuts!

19. At age four my mom cut off all my hair after I tried to “make bangs”.

20. I had a hair complex for the following 23 years!

21. I stood in the same room where Ann Frank hid.

22. I was in a high school graduating class of 4 people.

23. I graduated college while on bed rest a week before Ethan’s birth, got out of bed and waddled across the stage.

24. I picked my daughter Tatianna’s name at 5 year’s old while watching MTV.

25. My husband and I are the other’s one and only!


Beautiful Baptism


Tatianna has a phenomenal spirit. Never once have a heard one corrective comment about her. Since her birth she has had “the light”. I have known about 2 or 3 other people in my life with this gift. They just emanate God’s love and they are the kind of people you want to be around because you feel like you can experience that kind of goodness by proximity. Tia’s has a love for Jesus beyond her years and is very introspective.

Knowing she was turning eight this year, I decided Patrick and I could sit down with her and walk her thought the tenants of her faith and invite her to officially become a Christian. The number “8” symbolizes new beginnings and I knew she was ready for this step. The week before her birthday she came to me with a treasure. She had created a large-scale compilation using construction paper of spiritual thoughts she had for HER children. Tia’s message was addressed to her future children and explained what she believes about her faith. It included an explanation of salvation, kindness and showcased every Bible verse she knew or found around the house. She kept coming and leaving again adding to it  when she thought of something. She flung open the door to our pending discussion so I seized the opportunity and Patrick and I had the privilege of walking her through the Sinner’s prayer.

The Bible teaches that baptism is in effect an “announcement” of the relationship you now have with Christ. As a new believer we planned to have Tia baptized at the next available opportunity. That was last Sunday in the ocean at Manhattan Beach. Tia prepared her own testimony, shared it with the large crowd and was submerged in the Pacific, we passed mini marshmallows as favors with the verse “Wash Me and I Shall be Whiter than Snow”-Psalm 51:7.

It was a glorious experience! I immediately welled up with tears when she re-emerged. My heart is full with gratefulness for her preciousness and delight for her beautiful heart. I’m so happy both sets of grandparents, our dear friends and family were there to witness this transformative event.

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bap us