Happy Valentine’s Day


It has been more than a hot minute since I‘ve been around these parts!

Starting last February, Patrick left for boot camp. He returned nearly 10 weeks later. During his absence the Lord blessed us with new digs in a different city near LAX. 2014 was the year of double favor- and boy did we get poured on. We absolutely love our two-story abode, we have only one neighbor (like a duplex) and are positioned walking distance to Main Street, the ocean and school.  Our community is so “Norman Rockwell”-totally feeds that romantic part of me that wants to live in a place “where everyone knows your name and everybody’s glad you came”. The schools here are top-rated and we moved the kids to them.

This photo is a hybrid of the most influential parts of the last year-moving near the beach and having Patrick gone 7 months for military training. Patrick was off all summer between training; we had the best summer our lives! Everyday we did whatever our hearts’ desire was. We hopped on a shuttle that takes us to the beach just down the street! Love that I can leave the sand with them! We also walked to the museum, farmer’s market, and pool. Patrick busied himself with DIY home projects. At dusk I have a front row seat of the sunset with a glass of white wine!

At the end of summer, I became part of a launch team for a new church in the South Bay. This venture was such a timely blessing because it gave me and the kids a focus while Patrick was away. He left for computer tech school in Mississippi in August and we launched in September. Again, with my idealist nature, I have always thought it would be so neat to be part of a church from the start and say “I have been here since the beginning”. The church is thriving and we just moved into a permanent building! I love our pastors and have become dear friends with the Pastor’s wife.

Patrick studied his tuchus off for five months! I endured with the grace of God and great support from friends, family and church. I did go see him down South in November and we rendezvoused in New Orleans. We counted down the days until Daddy returned, he drove home, yes; he drove his 15-year-old Solara to and from Mississippi just in time for Christmas. Holla for Toyotas! God is good all the time.

These past 12 months as a bonafide military wife have been such a parallel in our walk with Christ. Just Trust.  When you have no idea where your life is headed and situations are in constant flux, there is no better option than to recline in the Divine. Right?! What’s the other option? Stress and fret. Uh huh; waste of time and worry ages you! V-day is here and we are gonna do it up. I am a huge celebrator and not at all phased by cynics. A day where everyone (most everyone) is putting positive love energy out there, why not?!  I say love it up!

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