Happy Easter Everyone!!!

This was taken outside of a new restaurant in our little town.
God is SO Awesome!! This Easter is a most special one! Tatianna is celebrating her 11th birthday! She came 7 weeks early on March 27, 2005 on Easter Sunday, this week is the only time her birthday will fall on Easter day for at least 30 years, maybe ever in our lifetime!
Tia’s was chosen to be born on that special day. Her birth allowed me to experience for the first time a glimpse of the overwhelming magnitude of love God has for His only Son and all of humanity. Some of you may remember that I had serious medical problems 3 days after her birth, my sudden condition baffled all the “expert” doctors at Cedar-Sinai and rendered me with slurred speech.
The night before I was to be discharged (Tia was still in intensive care) I was terrified because I was not well and was petrified I wouldn’t be able to care for my baby! I cried out to God in prayer to speak to me and He did. He said, “This is a spiritual battle, not a medical one, you will be healed in the morning and all your tests will come back negative.”
Around 7 am the next morning my mom’s cell phone rang waking us all (Patrick too). It was my mom’s friend Silvia calling from the east coast. (She didn’t know I was even in the hospital). She said God gave her a message, “Tell Corrita: ‘To rise up and be healed!” I exclaimed from my bed, “THANK YOU SILVIA!” She had confirmed what God spoke to me the night before. My voice was clear and I resurrected out of that bed full of life and joy!
The Holy Spirit spoke to me the following day. He said, “The physical and emotional pain you suffered – the hurt of not being believed, the humiliation of being mocked, crying out in desperation- that is just a glimpse of the pain I felt on the cross on Calvary. And the love you have for your daughter is just a glimpse of the love I have for you!” I was so immensely humbled my this message that I got face down on the floor in awe and gratitude and cried.
Tia was born on Easter so that I would never forget the immeasurable love our God has for me and all of us! He loves each of us as if we are His only son or daughter! Hallelujah!
Now for a family update!
Patrick absolutely loves his job as a commuter technician aka “computer doctor”. He was recently promoted to Senior Airman in the Air force. God has favor on his life, he works with super people and has job flexibility! He commutes 120 miles a day and fills that time with podcasts of Joel Osteen. We have been together 19 year and I have never heard him say he “loves” his job until now. Thank you Jesus!

I call myself the “family manager” I take this title seriously. Patrick, the kids and our home are my first priority after God. I am thoroughly engaged in their school, hosting people and serving at our church Wave LA. Family dinners are paramount. God has given me a vision for a specific business and I am pursuing that-pray for me please! If Patrick and I look so happy, it is because we are, we are so in love, we make our marriage priority. We have been on two Air force sponsored marriage retreats in the last 6 months (free fun!) and go on regular dates!

The script says:Somebunny’s birthday is this Sunday!
Tatianna is a gift from God! Her name means “cheerful”. People constantly comment how sweet and mature she is. I try not to tell people she is “perfect” so she doesn’t feel she can’t fail, but, man, she is close to it! She loves Jesus! Tia is a great and dedicated student. She has a passion and gift for animation, she draws every night at her drafting table! Her sport is basketball like her daddy! She starts middle school this fall!

Ethan means “steadfast heart”,read: persistent. Let’s just say he is causing Patrick and I to stay connected to God in regular prayer! He is super cheeky! E.J. is an excellent student but doesn’t want to do more than he “has” to. I guess he likes efficiency :)! His sport is soccer all the way, he plays almost everyday. Pokemon is his love language! He is part of a tight trio of boys that we host weekly.
Every day that we are on this earth is a day granted for us to fulfill our special purpose, I pray you are busy and fruitful in that!

Photo credit: my sister Kiara Caesar
Kiara is a G.I.A certified jeweler, her site is https://www.etsy.com/shop/OpalnOnyx?ref