- Tia, chowing down while home sick.
First, thank you for making my February post on my father; the most read to date. It was a special nod to him and I am so grateful for those that come in and listen to my thoughts on life. I am a purposeful writer, meaning unless I feel I have something I need to express, you may not hear from me as regularly as other writers. This is absolutely opposite of my non-narrative life!
On to hormones. So when my honey went away to basic training last fall, I suddenly was struck with a mean case of insomnia. Now anyone who really knows me is quite aware that I am a sleep snob. I have never had trouble sleeping and get nine hours of sleep at night. I even trained my babies to sleep until 9 am to the amazement of my friends. I was desperate for relief and was recommended the supplement melatonin. Here’s the thing. It works amazingly well and gave me the slumber I was desperate for. The problem is, while melatonin is naturally present in our body- it is still a hormone. Now this could be a good or bad thing depending on where you are hormonally. I will write a separate post on hormones soon. The short of it, is I have been using bio-identical hormones for 11 years. These are not synthetic, instead they are derived from plant sources like yams. I see a famous doctor who pioneers this practice “of putting back what you need in your body”.
My hormones were in perfect balance pre-melatonin, for me that means no PMS, no cramps, no mood swings, no ovulation pain or benign ovarian cysts. Melatonin in an ovarian stimulator. So if you want to conceive it is great. Me, not so much! I was having some really crappy months and then it just hit me. My hormones are out of whack. I tweaked my daily dosage of progesterone and was able to level out. Praise God, because it was nothing nice! Me and everyone I love is glad the other lady is gone.
Now to the Heebie Jeebies. Ten years ago I prayed to the Lord for the gift of prophesy. I had “heard from Him” before; but I wanted it to be more acute, like that of a spiritual mentor of mine. The Bible says in John 16:24; “Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete”. Boom! Three months after I prayed to really “hear” from the Lord, it happened exactly when I needed it to. Tia was born months early and was in the NICU. The Lord honored my petition and spoke to me clearly over those troubling days. The most profound of which was telling me exactly when she would be discharged-which was the only thing I cared about then. When I say “hear” it as if someone passed me note and I read it silently, it was not an audible voice; but a “knowing”.
Lately, my prophesies have become more frequent and it has been giving me the Heebie- Jeebies. Not in a “I’m scared” way, but in a “Oh My Gosh This is Wild” kind of way. Here’s the thing. We all have some level of this ability. Women especially have this intuition right? The key is to listen to the small voice. One way that I find helpful to know if you are hearing your own thoughts or the Lords’, is the volume and tone. God’s voice is subtle and calm. My own inner voice tends to be bossy and annoying. Also, you have to leave room on your “voice mail” to hear from Him. If you don’t allow yourself a space for quiet it will be hard to tune in.
Leave a comment about your gifting and when you knew you “heard from God”…
Just watched Joel O. I love his outlook and views on life. I love urs too!! Ur totally right!!